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First Steps in Canada
New incoming international students often face a dilemma about what to do after they arrive in Canada. In this regard, EGSS has prepared this section that will help the students to get relevant information. It is to be noted the following information is subject to change and readers are requested to collect updated information from online resources.
School of Engineering
In this page you will find everything you need to know about the school of engineering at UBC-okanagan. This includes the engineering programs available at UBCO, resources and services for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as the ongoing research directions This page also helps link you to important contact directory to faculty and staff members at UBCO.
UBC Canvas
Canvas is a powerful and much needed tool for supporting learning and teaching at UBCO. This link helps introduce you to canvas, provide you guidance on how to use it, and the necessary tips and tools for students to use during the courses.
Student Service Centre
This link helps you log into your student service center account, where you can access your transcripts, add and drop classes, register for programs, pay your tuition fees, access your tax forms and much more. It is easy to navigate around, just make sure you check out all taps and the services provided for students.
UBC Okanagan Remote Labs
This link helps you to remotely access UBCO computer labs. All you need is your student number and password to log in and have access to a list of lab computers in the EME, SCI, ART and library buildings. This is very beneficial when you are working from home.
Book Study Space
Do you ever need a quiet room to study? This is where you need to go. You can use this link to book a study room for up to two hours in any of the following buildings, EME and the Commons building.
UBC Okanagan Library
This link takes you to the library website. This is where you can browse the library catalogue, request to borrow an item, and access your library account to review or renew borrowed items. You can also find some helpful tools and services provided by the library to UBCO students, such as assistance in thesis, journal or research paper writing.
cIRcle (Research, Theses and Dissertation)
This is where you can upload your final reviewed thesis, you can also use this link to access published theses and dissertation documents from various disciplines in UBC Okanagan and Vancouver campuses.
UBC IT Okanagan
This is where you request support and receive solutions from the IT team at UBC. You can submit a ticket to address a technical issue which you are facing, receive support from the IT team and remain updated on IT maintenance news. This website also provides quick links to IT services including, FASmail, canvas, CWL, research computing and many more.
UBC Self Service Portal
This is where you can open a new ticket to request a service, or report an issue to IT. You can log in to your account to view the tickets you made, edit or delete opened tickets and even reopen past tickets if needed. It is a very easy and convenient way to contact the IT support team for any software or hardware issue you may be facing, directly from your account.
This is where you learn how to connect to myVPN, which is a tool to help you remotely connect to your workstation at UBC campus.
How To Access Your Research Folder (P Drive)
This link helps guide you through a step-by-step process on how to access your research folder though connecting to UBC campus file storage.
Software (UBC IT)
This is where you can find all the available software for UBC students to download on their personal computers. This helps UBC students to download licensed software for free amid their study period.
Awards, Scholarship & Prizes
This link gets you to all the current open, closed or to-be-announced (TBA) scholarships, awards, and prizes. The search tool provided in this webpage helps filter your search based on your department, degree level and campus, with eligibility criteria as well.
UBC Okanagan Bookstore
This link takes you to the UBC bookstore official webpage. You can find everything from tech. supplies, books/textbooks, stationary supplies, and clothing.
Students’ Union Okanagan of UBC
This is where you can find all the information you need about U-pass for accessing public buses, health and dental health coverage, and clubs at UBCO that match your interest. It basically connects you with what you need to know as a new-comer to UBCO.
Student Residence – Okanagan
Thinking of moving into an on-campus residence? This is where you need to go for more information. You will find all you need to know from how to get started, to application, and to residence life and resources for students.
UBC Workday
This is where you need to go if you are employed in UBCO. Through this link, you can access your workday account, insert working hours, view your pay slips, and download your annual tax forms.
Student and Alumni Job Board
Looking for a job at UBC? You will need to visit this webpage. It provides you with all available part-time and full time job positions in which you may need during your studies at UBCO.
Tax Service
This is where you can find tax service, assistance in filing tax returns, and other information related to your tax forms.
UBC Student Care (Health Insurance)
This link helps introduce you to important information related to your health care, dental care and other medical coverages, which you may benefit from as a UBCO student.

UBC Okanagan Engineering, Management and Education Building

Map (The University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus)